Wednesday, January 21, 2009

When Smokers Quit, Pets May Also Get Healthier

A study conducted almost a decade ago showed that cats living with smokers are 2-4 times more at risk for intestinal lymphoma said Kristi Ellis, a veterinarian at the Oregon Humane Society. This type of cancer usually kills cats within one year of diagnosis. The reason cats end up with cancer in their bowels, and not their lungs, is apparently that smoke particles settle in on their fur and are injested when cats groom, Ellis said.

This however, is a worst case scenario and some say secondhand smoke hasn't been shown to directly cause cancer in felines. "It's important to note that there's no absolute direct link between smoking and cancer in pets," said Nancy Zimmermann, director of medical support at Banfield, the Pet Hospital, one of the world's largest veterinary practices.

But Zimmermann agreed that cigarette smoke can increase the risk of cancer in animals predisposed to tumors by genetics or viral infections. Cancer is not the only disease that can show up when your pet breathes in smoke. Asthma is common in cats but some people may never know that their cat has the condition - until they start smoking around them.

Ellis said she has persuaded cat owners with asthma to quit smoking inside, and their cats have immediately improved without any medication. Dogs on the other hand don't get asthma and don't groom the way cats do, but they're not immune to the effects of secondhand smoke. Small-breed dogs are apparently at a real particular disadvantage. They usually spend more time indoors, they often are lap-sitters, closer to smoke plumes, and they are more prone to respiratory diseases anyway, said Banfield's Zimmermann.

While larger dogs aren't as susceptible to repiratory illnesses, they still are more likely to get cancer if they live with a smoker. Long-nosed dogs may develop nasal cancer, and short-nosed dogs are at risk for cancers of the lung said Zimmermann.

Smoke can trigger other diseases and illness too, including ear infections. Other smaller pets can be at risk and don't fare well in a smoky environment. Vets agree that whether its a small hamster, parrot, or large animal like a Great Dane keeping you company in your own home, not smoking will assist in preserving their health.

To keep your pets healthy, this blog's author recommends not smoking indoors and feeding your loved ones health food for cats. Visit: Life's Abundance Cat Food.

Some content for this article was taken from the January 20, 2009 issue of The Oregonian.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why Do Cats Eat Plants?

Cats have a tendancy to nibble on indoor plants as a substitute for eating grass.

Eating grass is a perfectly natural behavior for a cat. Eating grass is nature's way of inducing vomiting.

One of the reasons why cats need to regurgiate (vomit) is to help rid their digestive system of hairballs that accumulate from grooming. They instinctively seek out blades of grass to help them cough up fur balls. (Cats will resort to house plants if they don't have access to grass.)

Since they'll eat almost anything green when they need help to cough up a furball, it's important that they don't chew on houseplants because some are toxic and even poisonous.

You can make sure that your cat is safe from poisonous plants by buying special grasses sold for cats. sells organic wheat and barley seeds so that you can grow your own kitty grass. It's simple and easy to have tender blades of grass available to your precious kitty all year round. Anyone can grow it and your Kitty will love you for it. You can use any container to grow it in, including a cute coffee cup.

Visit the following link for more information: Kitty Grass Seeds

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Life's Abundance Cat Food

Hello Cat Lovers,

We've found a wholesome, fresh cat food that does not contain corn, wheat, artificial colors, flavors, chemical preservatives or by-products and its highly digestible.

Lifes Abundance Cat Food is made using only fresh, human-quality ingredients and it's made by an American company. Most importantly, Lifes Abundance Premium Cat Food does not contain ingredients from China.

It is a nutrient dense food with high quality meat proteins and NO by-products, corn, wheat, gluten or soy. NO artificial flavors, colors, sugars or chemical preservatives.

Hope this info is helpful to all people who are looking for a quality food for your cat.

Learn more about it at

B. Storer