Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to Help Cats that are Afraid of Thunder and Fireworks

Loud noises can be scary for cats. Helping your cat cope with loud thunder and fireworks can help make your cat feel more comfortable.

Obviously, it's not uncommon for a cat to be afraid of loud noises, especially thunder and fireworks.

They usually react by hiding.

A cat suffering from a substantial fear of loud noises may begin to display anxious behavior before the thunder begins. Rain on the roof of the house, bright flashes of light or even the drop in air pressure before a storm may be enough to trigger anxiety.

It is important to know what to do when the situation occurs.

Staying calm will help your cat feel safe. You might even try to play with your cat to distract from the noise of thunder or fireworks.

Make sure your cat has a safe place to seek refuge. Cats typically will run under a bed or under a chair to escape loud noises. Your cat chooses these places because she feels protected and the noise of thunder or fireworks is muffled.

If your cat has not already picked out a place, provide one. Try leaving a few kibbles of a favorite cat food in safe place to encourage your cat to go there.


Post suggested by Organic Catnip and Organic Kitty Grass Seeds.

Information about holistic cat food.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

5 Biggest Mistakes a New Pet Parent Makes

Five Biggest Mistakes a New Pet Parent Makes
by Dr. Sarah from May 2011, Lifes Abundance Newsletter

We’ve all been there. Looking into the pleading eyes of a puppy or kitten who needs a good home. In that moment, it’s hard to think straight. Fortunately, Dr. Sarah is here to help. In this episode of Pet Talk, Dr. Sarah discusses the five biggest mistakes that new pet parents make, and how to avoid them. By taking these solutions to heart, your next adoption could just be the best decision you’ve ever made!


Click the following for the products that Dr. Sarah is speaking about in this video.
Lifes Abundance Cat Food
Lifes Abundance Pet Food
Lifes Abundance Holistic Products for Cats
